The new Mechanical engineering labs have been fitted out on the ground floor of building 19. They consist of: an engineering mechanics lab, a materials lab, an engineering PBL teaching room , and an office for our technicians.
All rooms are now in operation, and classes have commenced.
The PBL teaching room consists of a normal area for teaching complete with a smart board and two white boards, plus an area where students are able to work on projects and a small number of computers which can be used for research and specialized software.
The teaching room is next door to the mechanics lab, so that there is ease of movement between the two rooms. This ena-bles teachers to do demonstrations as they teach theory. The materials lab is self-contained, with teaching area and lab ex-periments complete with computers all in the same room.
The technicians office is a close party of the facility which com-pliments the three rooms and allows them to be properly main-tained.
All in all a very purpose built functional assets for the engineering team.