
Bahrain Polytechnic offers a variety of clubs for any student to join! The clubs are responsible to organize and facilitate a number of activities for students. If you are interested in joining one of the clubs, please select a club and contact their members.

Student Volunteers Club

The Bahrain Polytechnic Volunteers Club (BPVC) connects Bahrain Polytechnic students with volunteer opportunities in a many community projects and on-campus events.

Culture & Language Club 

The club aims to organize, facilitate, and contribute in culture and language activities.

Media Club

The club hosts a wide range of activities in the field of media.

Music Club

The club hosts a wide range of activities in the field of music.

Sports Club 

The club organizes a variety of competitive sports events and activities.


Art Club 

The Bahrain Polytechnic Art Club, the new home for creativity on campus aims to bring together artists and art enthusiasts from all backgrounds.


Film Club (BPFC)

The Bahrain Polytechnic Film Club (BPFC) connects Bahrain Polytechnic students with filmmaking opportunities and aims to build a community of student filmmakers who can impact the growing Bahraini film industry.


 Developers Club

The Bahrain Polytechnic Developers Club is dedicated to fostering a vibrant community of IT students passionate about development, innovation, and continuous learning.


 Cybersecurity Club

The Bahrain Polytechnic Cyber Security Club is a dynamic and inclusive community dedicated to exploring the vast and ever-evolving field of cybersecurity.


 Jiu-Jitsu Club

The Bahrain Polytechnic Jiu-Jitsu Club aims to provide a platform for students to learn and practice the art of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.


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Overview of the Competition Bahrain Polytechnic, in collaboration with Gulf Researcher, are hosting the ‘Gulf Researcher Student Research Competition’, enabling ...
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Building 8 - Registry
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قراءة المزيد
Building 8 - Registry
يسر بوليتكنك البحرين أن تعلن عن نتائج القبول للعام الأكاديمي 2023/2024. للاطلاع على نتيجة القبول، يرجى الرجوع إلى الرسالة المرسلة ...
قراءة المزيد
Building 8 - Registry
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قراءة المزيد

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