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“Volunteering has become our passion, and gathered us under his shadow of kindness” ~Humood Alkhudher.

“Wherever you turn, you can find someone who needs you. Even if it is a little thing, do something for which there is no pay but the privilege of doing it. Remember, you don’t live in the world all of your own.” ~Albert Schweitzer

The Bahrain Polytechnic Volunteers Club (BPVC) connects Bahrain Polytechnic students with volunteer opportunities in a many community projects and on-campus events.

The BPVC is currently  located in Building 24 with the BPSC.

BPVC welcomes all students to volunteer in their events and activities. Bahrain Polytechnic students are welcome to officially join the club as a member at the beginning of Semester 1 of each academic year.

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Volunteers LogoBPVC Aims

The Bahrain Polytechnic Volunteers Club aims at:

  • Providing Bahrain Polytechnic Student Council (BPSC) with full support before and during events and activities.
  • Enhancing the spirit of cooperation and the concept of teamwork and volunteer among students.
  • Enhancing the employability skills which Bahrain Polytechnic emphasizes on.
  • Improving the students talents and providing them with a platform to express it.
  • Giving the chance to Bahrain Polytechnic students to develop their skills.
  • Encouraging the students to serve the Bahrain Polytechnic community by Volunteering and group work.
  • Participating and hosting  voluntary events in Bahrain Community.
  • Support Bahrain Polytechnic events with Volunteers

BPVC Executive Members

The current BPVC executive board members were elected in the annual meeting of the club normally held in October 2022, in accordance with the BOT resolution:

Abdulrahman Janahi


Noora Almannaei

Vice President

Maryam Almannaei



Abdulla Daabal

Financial Treasurer

Sabah Aldoseri

Board Member 1

Bayan Alheddi   

 Board Member 2

Maryam Aref

Board Member 3

Why Volunteer?

Volunteering contributes to your personal and professional development and enhances your employability skills including teamwork, communication, and problem-solving. It will help you define and achieve your goals by allowing you to explore career opportunities and networking with professionals and community groups.


“2016 Volunteers Club first meeting and election of BPVC Executive”

How to Volunteer

If you would like to volunteer for any of our events or have any questions about the club, then come and see us, or send us an email from your Polytechnic account with your contact number:

See our social media accounts to find out about our next events.

BPVC Events



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