
Dr. Philippe Vande Wiele

Assistant Professor

Academic Qualifications Obtained

2018Senior Fellowship HEA, Higher Education Academy, United Kingdom.
2017PhD in Management, Université of Paris-Saclay, Télécom Business School, France.
2004Post Graduate (MSc) in Human Ecology, VUB, Belgium.
2003MSc in Commercial Engineering, Solvay Management School, VUB, Belgium
2001Bachelor in Commercial Engineering, Solvay Management School, VUB, Belgium


Professional Certifications

2010CTTL, Bahrain Polytechnic, Bahrain
2004Environmental Coordinator A, VUB, Belgium


Teaching Expertise

2010-presentTutor, Business School, Bahrain Polytechnic, Bahrain
2006-2010Full time Faculty Member, New York Institute of Technology, Bahrain
2004-2005Teaching Staff, Sanabil Private School, Bahrain


Relevant Industry Expertise

2005-presentBoard of Directors, Visualantics VZW, Belgium
2005-2006Business Development Manager and Consultant, Gulf Consulting House, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia



Areas of Research Interest

Higher Education, Teaching and Learning, 21st Century Competencies, Employability, Talent Development.

PhD in Knowledge and Innovation Management at Bangkok University – VIVA successfully passed – final stage of administrative completion through findings publication.


  1. Vande Wiele, P. (2009) Exploring the idea of Green Marketing in Bahrain. The need for a CAN-DO Attitude, Working paper, presented on the 2nd Global Environment Conference & Exhibition – Environment Campaign Dynamics, 2009, Banyan Tree Resort and Spa, Kingdom of Bahrain.
  2. Ribière, V. M., Haddad, M., Vande Wiele, P. (2010) The impact of national culture traits on the usage of web 2.0 technologies, VINE, 40 (3 / 4), 334 – 361.
  3. Member of Expert Review Panel – Kotler/Keller, Marketing Management, Arab World Edition, 2010; Schiffman, Consumer Behaviour, Arab World Edition, 2011.
  4. Vande Wiele, P., Lynch, C. (2012) BPFC and Education on Entrepreneurship, Poster Session, REE conference, Stanford University, Abu Dhabi Women’s College, 2012, Abu Dhabi.
  5. Vande Wiele, P. (2013) Groupthink, iKnow Magazine – The magazine for Innovative Knowledge Workers, 3 (2), 37 – 38.
  6. Vande Wiele, P, Ribière, V.M. (2014) Using knowledge visualization techniques to support the development of curriculum for employability:  Exploring the capability tree representation, International Journal for Knowledge and Learning, 9, (1-2), 43 – 62.
  7. Vande Wiele, P., Ribière, V.M., Ermine, J.L. (2014) A diagnosis framework for preparing future workforce in Higher Education, in Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Asia Pacific (IKMAP 2014), 9 – 10 October, p.198 – 213, Bangkok, Thailand.
  8. Vande Wiele, P (2015) Reflective Journaling:  iKnow Magazine – The magazine for Innovative Knowledge Workers,5 (1), 40 – 42.
  9. Vande Wiele, P., Khalid, F., Morris, D., Ribière, V.M., Ermine, J.L. (2015) Teaching and Learning for Employability: Triangulating three perspectives – A case of Bahrain Polytechnic, key findings presented at 3rd QQA Conference 2015, 17 – 19 February, Manama, Bahrain.
  10. Vande Wiele, P., Khalid, F. Morris, D., Ribière, V. Ermine, J.L. (2015) Teaching and Learning for Employability – Triangulating three perspectives. Paper presented at the GECSO Conference 8th Colloquium, 24 – 25 June, Bordeaux, France.
  11. Vande Wiele, P., Khalid, F., Ribiere, V., Ermine, J.L. (2015, November). Employability, a Topic for Knowledge Exchange to Strategically Positioning Higher Education Institutions. In International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management and Organisational Learning (p. 308). Academic Conferences International Limited.
  12. Vande Wiele, P., Morris, D., Ribière, V., Ermine, J.L. (2016) The ability of student centered and problem based learning to awaken the creative and innovative potential in marketing students. In Proceedings of BUCA, 1-2 July, 101 – 114, Bangkok University, Thailand.
  13. Vande Wiele, P., Ribière, V.. Ermine, J.L. (2017) Diagnosing Higher Education on purposefulness: Introducing the Employability Development and Assessment Maturity Model (EDAMM). In G.B. Teh and S.C. Choy (Eds) Empowering 21st Century Learners Through Holistic and Enterprising Learning, 177 – 188, Singapore: Springer.
  14. Vande Wiele, P., Morris, D., Ribière, V., Ermine, J.L. (2017) Problem Based Learning as a methodology to unlock professional identity within young marketing graduates: a Case Study of Bahrain Polytechnic – Initial findings presented at the IPBLS 2017, In Proceedings, 5th International PBL Symposium: PBL and the Future of Skills, 15 – 17 March, 129 – 133, Republic Polytechnic, Singapore.
  15. Vande Wiele, P. and Morris, D. (2017) Towards a framework for contextualizing Higher Education through collaborating with Industry: A case of Bahrain Polytechnic Marketing Major. In Proceedings of the International Symposium for Teaching, Education and Learning, 4-6 July, 104 – 121, Hiroshima, Japan.
  16. Vande Wiele, P., Morris, D., Ribière, V., Ermine J.L. (2017) Project Based Learning for Professional Identity: a Case Study of Collaborative Industry Projects in Marketing, Independent Journal for Teaching and Learning, 12 (2), 44 – 63.
  17. Worawichayavongsa, W., Vande Wiele, P., Bennett, A. (2017) Mindfulness to enable success of the 21st Century Knowledge Worker. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management, ICICKM 2017, 7 – 8 December, 346 – 354, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. (Awarded best PhD paper of the Conference).
  18. Vande Wiele, P. (2017) Purposeful Human Resource practice for Purposeful Higher Education at Bahrain Polytechnic. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management, ICICKM 2017, 7 – 8 December, 284 – 290, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
  19. Vande Wiele, P. and Morris, D. (2018) Course Integration for Authentic Problem Based Learning: A case of Bahrain Polytechnic Marketing Major, paper presented at the International Conference on Education and Social Science ICESS-2018, 6 – 7 July, 13 – 17, Thailand. (Awarded ISER Excellent Paper Award for the category of Best Presentation / Best Content).
  20. Vande Wiele, P., Ribière, V. and Ermine, J-L (2018). The Design and Validation of a Diagnostic Maturity Model to Support Higher Education for Employability. The International Journal of Learning in Higher Education, 25 (4): 21-45. doi:10.18848/2327-7955/CGP/v25i04/21-45

Boards, Advisory Committees, Professional Organisations

2005 – present Board of Directors, Visualantics VZW, Belgium
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