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What makes us different…
The essence of our brand

Brand Persona

Our brand signature supports the essence of our brand: The new Bahrain is you.

Our brand is as animated as the symbols its icon stands for. The neuron, the living, breathing nucleus of human intelligence is a star whose brilliance refuses to diminish.

Our persona, the sum of our verbal, visual, and experiential identities, complements our brand essence. Personification attributes:

  • teacher
  • wise mentor
  • patient
  • dedicated
  • down-to-earth
  • knowledgeable
  • motivator
  • creative
  • energetic
  • dynamic
  • fun
  • connected with the real world
  • practical
  • global citizen
  • respects and appreciates Bahraini/Arab/Islamic culture

Brand Manual

Click on the desired topic below to download that specific section from the brand manual:

  1. Contents (467 KB)
  2. Introduction (952 KB)
  3. Our Brand (2,850 KB)
  4. Our Logo (3,062KB)
  5. Brand Color Scheme (1,892 KB)
  6. Brand Typeface (2,206 KB)
  7. Design Language (3,017 KB)
  8. Our Stationary (5,190 KB)
  9. Digital Applications (2,164 KB)
  10. Advertising (1,869 KB)
  11. Literature (2,302KB)
  12. Packaging (1,217 KB)
  13. Signage (1,047 KB)
  14. Physical Environment (1,605 KB)
  15. Promotional Materials (2,274 KB)
  16. Livery (1,455 KB)

The New Bahrain is You


The Bahrain Polytechnic students will be knowledgeable, skillful, purposeful, and creative. They will build organisations of innovation and a modern nation that defies the limits of economies of scale. They will inspire the world with spirit and imagination.

Bahrain Polytechnic is breeding the new Bahrainis, the next generation citizens of the Kingdom that have been shaped by a progressive type of holistic education, the Polytechnic way of thinking.

The educational system transcends the traditional type of education prevalent in Muslim countries, wherein the curriculum is highly compartmentalised. The Polytechnic way integrates the system and binds together the natural sciences, social sciences, applied sciences, humanities, and religious sciences. In the process, a student finds vital connections between his community, the natural world, and his spiritual values.

This foundation of innovative education is vitally important to the quality of life of Bahraini citizens in the years ahead. The new Bahrainis will be the key in determining the Kingdom’s social, cultural, and economic future.

Brand Symbolism

BP Logo

The Neurostar

The logo graphically communicates the nature of our brand. It is coined as the neurostar, a merging of two impressions, a brain neuron and a star. In general, the neurostar, with its rays outstretched and pointed outwards, conveys the idea of connecting or linking up within a network. The impression also suggests reaching out, transcending limits, or going beyond the boundaries.


The Neuron

The predominant logo icon is a neuron, the building blocks of the brain. It immediately suggests intelligence, creativity, judgment, and reasoning.

A neuron is likened to a Bahraini individual, specifically a Bahrain Polytechnic student – a single individual in the emerging class of new Bahrainis, a new generation of Bahraini citizens that have been raised and educated in the era of Bahrain’s education reform.

They will comprise the core of the new intelligentsia in the Kingdom: competitive, highly qualified, and world-class.



BP Logo

The new Bahrainis who are poised to fill up the gap in the market; who will provide the Kingdom with the knowledge and expertise it needs to secure its position as one of the Gulf’s leading economies.

They will be the energising change agents at the very nucleus of the Kingdom’s economic development. The neuron is animated by a rich texture derived from traditional Arabic patterns. It lends a local flavour to the icon, a distinctive Bahraini dimension, a symbol of a Bahraini connecting to his heritage and history.

It comprises of two layers, which lends the overall depth of imagination and meaning that suits its cerebral perspective.


The Star

The icon presents a dual image. It also gives the impression of a star. A celestial body in the universe of greater possibilities. A statement of hope, wherein the individual can exceed himself, shine forth, and make drastic leaps towards a brighter future.

The Motif

The motif

Upon close scrutiny, three layers of design patterns from various influences will be distinguishable in the icons texture: Dilmun, Islamic, and Medieval.

All elements pertain to the dominant influences that defined and shaped the Bahraini culture.

The merging of the design influences creates a modern Bahrain motif that symbolises the unique cultural mix, which characterises the Kingdom’s populace. Likewise, it illustrates the connections between the generations of people who came, conquered, and lived in the Kingdom.

Woven on top of each other, these individual designs have created a resulting pattern that is fresh, unique, and distinctive – traits that we can liken to the nature of our brand.

A fitting impression in Bahrain Polytechnic’s vision of innovation, a welcome view in Bahrain’s landscape of change.

The Slogan


The slogan: “Connecting Generations. Inspiring Innovations.” brings together all the elements of the brand strategy and identity. It works well with the logo, because it communicates an inter-generational connection. Students will learn and develop themselves through mentors, who will guide them through the educational process. They will be regarded as the new stars of Bahrain.

Tone of Voice

Tone of Voice

The Bahrain Polytechnic brand voice should be dictated by our core values, encapsulated in our brand essence, “The New Bahrain is You.” It communicates in an inspiring and optimistic spirit. It is assuring, projects the right image, and speaks in the language of an educator – authoritative,

respectable, and yet warm and approachable. Via this tone, it addresses the needs of students. It echoes their sentiments, their voice, their aspirations, and their youthful optimism. It stimulates, encourages, and inspires.

Such core values, when communicated in our materials, can be a vital tool to elicit interest and enthusiasm towards Bahrain Polytechnic.

The Logo

BP Logo

The Bahrain Polytechnic logo is the most important element of our brand identity. It is the main visual representation of our brand, and it will be present in all of our communication materials. Its manner of presentation will leave an impression on its viewer, and how well we present it will contribute significantly to effective communication.

The image of a neuron is the main visual accent in the logo design. It also suggests an image of a star with its pointed rays. The symbol aptly conveys the core values of Bahrain Polytechnic as a centre of education.


The application presents two variations of red, in Pantones 483C and 485C. It is a suitable shade for the neuron and a star – bold, forceful, and stimulating. As a design element, it is highly attractive and very eye-catching.



The wordmark should always be rendered in English and Arabic. Legibility is a major consideration in the choice of font. The English typeface is ModulaTalGreek, which is legible and design-flexible. It is also simple, slim, and stylish. On the other hand, the Arabic font is GE SS. It has neat and flowing strokes and is also quite legible.


Multiple layers of patterns create an exquisite design that gives a unique character and flavour to the rendition. The pattern is overlaid on both layers of the icon. The layer on the foreground is transparent where it overlaps with the layer on the background. This makes the minute details of the logo pattern still visible even at reduced sizes.

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