

Connect with BPSC

“An elected student representative group is a centrally important contributor to a positively memorable student experience”.

The Bahrain Polytechnic Student Council (BPSC) hosts, supports, and organises a number of sporting and cultural events and activities for students. They work as advocates for the student body alongside the Polytechnic’s staff to ensure a well balanced student life.

Student spaces are available, in a number of places on the campus, for activities and leisure time, and these continue to be extended and enhanced. The BPSC is located in Building 24.



The Bahrain Polytechnic Student Council aims at:

  • Nurturing students nationally and sportingly within the values of the Arab and Islamic heritage and of the National Action Charter.
  • Developing leadership spirit among students and giving them the opportunity to responsibly express their views.
  • Educating students about their rights and duties under operable Polytechnic rules and regulations.
  • Supporting students’ scientific, cultural, social, and sports activities.
  • Supporting educational attainment and academic process.
  • Enhancing the spirit of cooperation and the concept of teamwork among students, and strengthening the ties between students and the Polytechnic’s members of faculty and administration.
  • Preserving the achievements of the Polytechnic and contributing to promoting them.
  • Ensuring instillation of discipline in consistence with the Polytechnic’s mission and objectives.
  • Collaborating with the Polytechnic to develop student Affairs.
  • Cooperating with the Polytechnic on encouraging outstanding students and raising their standards, capabilities, and skills.

BPSC Roles and Responsibilities

In the course of its endeavours to achieve its objectives, the Bahrain Polytechnic Student Council will coordinate with Student Affairs Directorate on carrying out the following activities:

  • Formulation of a framework for implementation of the Council’s policy in a way that is conducive to its objectives.
  • Participation in setting up the yearly plans for students’ work.
  • Preparation of the Council’s annual budget and submittal of the same to the Polytechnic administration.
  • Proposal of an action plan for activities of the Students Council covering cultural, social, practical, sports, and technical events.
  • Consideration of student issues and proposal of appropriate solutions and submittal of the same to the Polytechnic’s authorities concerned.

BPSC Members

The BPSC members are responsible for representing the interests of all students of the Polytechnic and deliver their voice. They help in solving issues and make sure the students’ suggestions reach to the relevant entity in the Polytechnic, for an improved and better environment. The Student Council consists of twelve members, elected annually, and their headquarters are located in Building 24.

Fawaz Alqasimi



Faisal Fathi


Vice President

Zainab Ahmed AlGallaf



Talal Shaker Abdulla


Financial Treasurer

Shooq Radhi Alasfoor


Sports Committee Chair

Muhannad Alqassab


Sports Committee Vice Chair

Abdulla Alaali


Art and Culture Committee Chair

Hussain Albanna


     Art and Culture Committee Vice Chair

Nooh Taleb


     Social Committee Chair

Mohamed Abdulwahab


Social Committee Vice Chair

Bayan Yaser Abdulla


Student Services Committee Chair

Maryam Yusuf Alradhi


Student Services Committee Vice Chair

Election, Membership, and Duties

The council shall consist of six to twelve members to be directly elected annually for a maximum of two consecutive terms. Elections are normally held in Semester 2 of the academic year.

A candidate for membership of the council can nominate themselves, and must:

  • Be an enrolled student;
  • Be of good conduct and behavior, and not received any disciplinary penalties for any offenses against the Regulations;
  • Have completed 100 credit hours;
  • Have a GPA of at least 2.5 and not be under any Academic Probation or warning;
  • Not be a committee member of any non-Polytechnic society or organisation whatsoever, which exercises similar activities or seeks to achieve similar objectives.

After the election, the committee members of the council shall elect from among themselves a chairperson, a deputy chairperson, a secretary, and a treasurer.

Chairperson and Deputy Chairperson roles and responsibilities

The chairperson of the council shall be entrusted with the following tasks:

  • convoke council meetings;
  • preside over council meetings, sign minutes with the secretary, and sign vouchers with the treasurer;
  • represent the council before the Polytechnic administration.

Note: The deputy chairperson shall assume the functions of the chairperson in the absence of the latter.

Secretary roles and responsibilities

The secretary shall be entrusted with the following functions:

  • prepare agendas, including matters referred by the chairperson;
  • prepare the minutes and sign them with the chairperson;
  • receive correspondence addressed to the council and retain the council’s documents, papers, and stamps;
  • provide the Student Services department with the minutes of the council meetings;
  • perform any other duties entrusted by the chairperson.

Treasurer roles and responsibilities

The treasurer shall perform the following duties:

  • retain financial records;
  • jointly sign vouches with the chairperson or deputy chairperson;

prepare the annual financial statements and refer the same to the Polytechnic’s internal auditor.

How to Volunteer

If you would like to volunteer, visit the Bahrain Polytechnic Volunteer Club (BPVC) and send your information including your name, ID number, and contact number to the BPVC.

Student Representatives on Committees

student-concil-2Some Bahrain Polytechnic committees have student representatives who act as a liaison between students and academic faculty, to provide feedback and updates to students regarding issues and concerns that have been raised in previous meetings (e.g. faculty boards, Academic Board, programme boards, Library Learning Centre Committee, Health and Safety Committee, and Communication with Students Committee).

Students who are interested in becoming representatives on committees should contact a member of BPSC or director of student Affairs.




How to deliver your voice through BPSC

BPSC works on solving your problems and delivering your suggestions and issues to the right department. If you need any help, do not hesitate to contact the Student Services Committee:



BPSC Participation in Events

BPSC has played an important role in the orientation day for the new students in the academic year 2019-2020. It included organizing the event itself, seating arrangements for students, registration, classification into teams and much more.

BPSC also held major events that were organized with an added value to the students such as the PolyHunt and Al-Ghabga Night.


BPSC Events

Jemaa El-Fnaa Ghabga Night:
Under the slogan “Jemaa el-Fnaa”, the Bahrain Polytechnic Student council (BPSC) organized its annual Ghabga night on Thursday 23rd June 2016 at the campus, held under the patronage of the Acting CEO of the Polytechnic, Dr. Mohamed Al Aseeri.
The occasion saw the presence of Deputy CEO’s Dr. Hasan Almulla and Sh. Ali bin Abdulrahman Al Khalifa, heads of departments, deans, and a number of employees. Students and graduates were among the crowd, which totaled to 640 people.
The Ghabga night saw many recreational activities and competitions with a vast amount of awards presented by Adel Aljawhar and Albassam Ali. The presenters also awarded the sponsors, patron, and the previous student council.

Held under the patronage of Dr. Mohamed Al Aseeri, Acting CEO of Bahrain Polytechnic, the Bahrain Polytechnic Student Council (BPSC) has organized one of the biggest events in Polytechnic’s history, called “PolyHunt”. The event, attended by more than 1000 students and staff, was held all around campus on 6th September, where several recognized talents and stars from Bahrain were part of the entertainment of the event.
The six hour event included several programs, such as the display of talents, an art gallery, food festival, market day, sport challenges, games, plays, the distribution of motivational phrases, and the main event: PolyHunt.

Sports Day: Color Run:
The Bahrain Polytechnic Student Council (BPSC), under the supervision of the executive management, hosted its annual Sports Day event at the campus from 12 PM – 3 PM, where more 570 Polytechnic students, staff, graduates, including 376 from other institutes, attended and participated in an animated day of various sports-related activities.
The Sports Day event included a taekwondo show, sports exercises, and sports & health awareness campaigns. The highlight of the event was the “Color Run”, where participants were covered with colors to raise awareness about Down Syndrome and run on a track. Later on, a walkathon was conducted around the campus to spread the cause.

National Day: Land of Immortality and Paradises:
Built based on the Story of Gilgamesh, Bahrain Polytechnic Student Council (BPSC) organized the annual National Day event in the 13th of December 2016. With over 700 attendees, the Polytechnic celebrated the National Day with the presence of many celebrities and singers.
The event was a huge success and was linked with a national initiative that the council have organized and run, by collecting and distributing One Million Seeds all around Bahrain.

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