In line with Bahrain Polytechnic’s Strategic goal 2015-2019 and the National Higher Education Strategic plan, Bahrain Polytechnic hosted its Sixth Annual Teaching and Learning Symposium, which took place between 24th and 27th August 2015.
The symposium brings together academic staff at the Polytechnic in a four-day training and up-skilling event, where the focus of this year’s symposium is “Sharing Best Practice”.
Academic staff will continue to develop their knowledge of specialized teaching and learning, notably the Polytechnic’s unique employability-driven approach by problem-based learning which is at the heart of its mission to produce work-ready graduates.
The event, which took place during the first week of the semester for the returning tutors, comprises of workshops, seminars, tutorials, and training sessions addressing the varied topics of assessment, course design, employability, problem-based learning, applied research in higher education, E-learning, entrepreneurship, and reflective practice for teaching and learning.
The tutors (including recently employed) praised the idea of these sessions, stating that there were a variety of courses which benefited them and could help their learning experience. At the same time, it also gave the opportunity for tutors from all schools to socialize and exchange ideas with one another before the start of the Academic Year, which starts on 6th September 2015.
The Symposium, led by the Acting Director of the Academic Development Unit, Ms. Ema Janahi, and coordinated by the Manager for Teaching and Learning, Ms. Oonagh McGirr, ensures that the Polytechnic continues to work to the National Quality Assurance Authority’s remit of enhancement and benchmarking for teaching and learning in higher education.
Ms. Ema Janahi commented: “It’s important that the staff, including the new ones, familiarize themselves with the latest teaching practices, especially since we strive to be a world-class higher education institution. What makes us unique is the problem-based learning approach, which basically focuses more on authentic learning driven by real world problems.
“We will continue hosting this event annually to make sure our staff are ready for the start of every Academic Year.” she concluded.
Dr. Mohamed Al Aseeri, Acting CEO, was delighted to see the tutors engaging in the annual session, and thanked the Academic Development team, as well as all those involved, in organizing this event which will certainly add to the students learning experience; making it in line with Bahrain’s 2030 Vision and the government action plan 2015-2018.