FAQ about Grading and Exams for Current Students
15 April, 2020Bahrain Polytechnic would like to share the frequently asked questions to the current students on how grading and exams...
Bahrain Polytechnic To Use Competency-based Learning System To Assess Students
26 March, 2020In line with its plan to adopt virtual education as a methodology in education, Bahrain Polytechnic has approved to...
Online Classes begin at Bahrain Polytechnic with Large Student Interaction
15 March, 2020Bahrain Polytechnic activated the virtual learning feature today, Sunday, the 15th March, where tutors began offering their lessons online,...
How to Access the Online Classes
10 March, 2020This announcement concerns students only. As Bahrain Polytechnic will be utilizing its virtual environment to deliver classes online, you...
Suspension Period of Attending Classes Extended to 29th March 2020.
9 March, 2020This announcement concerns students only. In line with the recent directives of the Government’s Executive Committee, chaired by His...
Course Registration for Semester 2, 2019-20
5 February, 2020Course Registration for Semester 2, 2019-20 We look forward to seeing you again for Semester 2, Academic Year 2019-2020...
Semester 1, 2019-20 Results released
15 January, 2020Results are available on SSB from 6th February 2020 Semester 1, 2019-20 results were released on Self Service Banner...
Graduation Ceremony 2019 Details
3 October, 2019This announcement concerns graduates only. Dear Graduate, Congratulations on graduating, we hope you will attend the next Graduation Ceremony...
Course Registration for Semester 1, 2019-20
22 August, 2019Course Registration for Semester 1, 2019-20 We look forward to seeing you again for Semester 1, Academic Year 2019-2020...
2019-2020 Admission Decision
18 July, 2019Bahrain Polytechnic is pleased to release the Admission decisions for the Academic Year 2019-2020. To check your Admission decision,...