Denis Manning
Academic Qualifications Obtained
2005 | M.Sc. in Software Development for Computer Networks, National University of Ireland, Cork, Ireland |
2004 | Higher Diploma in Education, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland |
2000 | Higher Diploma in Systems Analysis, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland |
1999 | B. Sc. Degree, Honours, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland |
Professional Certifications
2010 | CompTia A+ Certification, CompTia, United States |
2012 | Java Associate Certification, Oracle, United States |
Relevant Industry Expertise
2002 | Software Engineer, Bluetree Systems, Ireland |
2001-2002 | Software Engineer, Pilgrim Telephone, United States |
2005-2009 | Software Engineer, Nortel, Ireland |