This concerns graduates only.
We would like to congratulate you all for completing your studies at Bahrain Polytechnic.
The Polytechnic is planning for the annual graduation ceremony and are organizing a photo shoot session for its graduation booklet. We require all graduates to attend one photo shoot session from October 18th – 29th 2015 (all days except weekends) at the first floor of BPSC Headquarters upstairs in Building 24, from 4 PM – 8 PM.
You are required to dress formally for the occasion, and must wear:
- White thobe, ghutra and agal; OR
- Formal suit with a white shirt and a tie.
- Black abaya with black shaila or hijab; OR
- Formal suit with a white shirt.
The graduation gown will be provided to wear in the photo.
Bahrain Polytechnic can confirm that the graduation date is set to be on Thursday, 26th November 2015.
We look forward to seeing you on October 18th – 29th 2015 (all days except weekends) at the first floor of BPSC Headquarters upstairs in Building 24, from 4 PM – 8 PM.