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Bahrain Polytechnic In the media

Newspapers and online material regarding Bahrain Polytechnic are located within this page. Browse through our history by choosing the year and month.

1. Bahrain Polytechnic to Host a Website Development Workshop

  • Issue 4053
    (560 kb)

  • Issue 5091
    (566 kb)

  • Issue N/A
    (0 kb)
2. CILT Accreditation Pathways for Post-graduate Study at Bahrain Polytechnic

  • Issue 11148
    (547 kb)

  • Issue 5060
    (940 kb)
3. Bahrain Polytechnic and Tamkeen sign an agreement to launch the first Artificial Intelligence academy at the Polytechnic.

  • Issue 11041
    (298 kb)

  • Issue 4952
    (193 kb)
4. Bahrain Polytechnic Launches the Graduates Training Program for Unemployed Graduates in Collaboration with the Ministry of Labor and Social Development

  • Issue 4952
    (193 kb)

  • Issue 15075
    (276 kb)
5. Bahrain Polytechnic signs agreement with the Korean Embassy to host “Discover Korea” Program

  • Issue 11040
    (228 kb)
6. Bahrain Polytechnic Organizes Annual Marketing Day at Riyadat Mall

  • Issue 15035
    (260 kb)
7. Polytechnic Receives 2000 Applicants during Admission Period

  • Issue 10988
    (474 kb)

  • Issue 15022
    (401 kb)

  • Issue N/A
    (455 kb)
8. Bahrain Polytechnic Organises First Winter Camp (Future Skills)

  • Issue 4811
    (571 kb)
9. Bahrain Polytechnic Celebrates 18th Anniversary of National Action Charter

  • Issue 14939
    (371 kb)

  • Issue 10906
    (1,028 kb)
10. Bahrain Polytechnic Participates in Bahrain National Sports Day

  • Issue 14937
    (527 kb)

  • Issue N/A
    (767 kb)
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