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Bahrain Polytechnic In the media

Newspapers and online material regarding Bahrain Polytechnic are located within this page. Browse through our history by choosing the year and month.

1. Deadline For Graduate’s Photography Session On 29 October 2015

  • Issue 13731
    (209 kb)

  • Issue 3608
    (143 kb)

  • Issue 9697
    (347 kb)
2. PIN Conference Announcement

  • Issue 3610
    (139 kb)
3. Graduation Date for the Polytechnic’s Second Batch On November 26

  • Issue 3602
    (143 kb)
4. Civil Service Bureau Delivers Presentation on “Adaht” Program

  • Issue N/A
    (424 kb)
5. Equal Opportunities Committee Consider Proposals

  • Issue 9682
    (323 kb)
6. Student Council Awards Volunteers

  • Issue N/A
    (973 kb)
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