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News corner…
Bahrain Polytechnic In the media

Newspapers and online material regarding Bahrain Polytechnic are located within this page. Browse through our history by choosing the year and month.

1. More Than 150 Students Admitted To Bahrain Polytechnic

  • Issue 2479
    (170 kb)

  • Issue 6730
    (501 kb)
2. Polytechnic Provides Support For “Isa bin Salman Education Charitable Trust”

  • Issue 13640
    (330 kb)

  • Issue 6730
    (232 kb)
3. Bahrain Polytechnic Records Significant Presence in Media

  • Issue 2458
    (284 kb)

  • Issue 3497
    (145 kb)
4. Polytechnic Graduates To Complete Graduation Procedures

  • Issue 9601
    (466 kb)

  • Issue 13635
    (268 kb)

  • Issue 2473
    (195 kb)
5. Bahrain Polytechnic Hosts Zain Polytechnic Universities Football Tournament

  • Issue 2474
    (588 kb)
6. ‘Unbox’ showcases projects inspired by natural resources

  • Issue N/A
    (124 kb)
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