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Bahrain Polytechnic In the media

Newspapers and online material regarding Bahrain Polytechnic are located within this page. Browse through our history by choosing the year and month.

1. Six Thinking Hats

  • Issue N/A
    (638 kb)
2. Student Council Given Appreciation Awards

  • Issue N/A
    (241 kb)
3. Labour Day

  • Issue N/A
    (1,277 kb)
4. 60 Applicants Enroll Daily at Bahrain Polytechnic

  • Issue 9535
    (1,324 kb)

  • Issue 9535
    (687 kb)
5. Bahrain Polytechnic Reviews Admissions Procedures & Performance

  • Issue 9535
    (1,969 kb)
6. Nissan Bahrain Sponsors Amal Al Saffar Trip to North Pole

  • Issue 9536
    (851 kb)
7. Bahrain Polytechnic Opens Mosque with Technological Features

  • Issue 3447
    (124 kb)
8. Bahrain Polytechnic Awards Employees for Outstanding Performance

  • Issue 9524
    (524 kb)
9. Bahrain Polytechnic Begins Academic Accreditation

  • Issue 13547
    (312 kb)

  • Issue 3424
    (120 kb)
10. Bahrain Polytechnic Enters Imagine Cup Final

  • Issue 3435
    (172 kb)

  • Issue 2396
    (413 kb)

  • Issue 6643
    (401 kb)
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