Newspapers and online material regarding Bahrain Polytechnic are located within this page. Browse through our history by choosing the year and month.
1. Annual Strategy Workshop Held at the Polytechnic
2. Polytechnic Students Among Top Five Finalists in the IMA 2016 Middle East Case Study Competition at Dubai
3. Polytechnic Graduates Excel at GARMCO
4. Bahrain Polytechnic Bids Farewell to Head of ICT & Web Media School
5. Bahrain Polytechnic Student Council Organizes Ghabga Night
6. Bahrain Polytechnic Hosts ICT & Web Academy Project Exhibition 2016
8. Bahrain Polytechnic Students Win First Place in Imagine Cup Pan Arab 2016 Finals
11. Equal Opportunities Committee Seek to Participate in HRH Princess Sabeeka Women Empowerment Award
12. Polytechnic Students Take Second Place in Case Study Competition