
To all new students, returning students and staff welcome to the new semester and the new academic year. We wish you a very successful and enjoyable year!

The Health and Wellness Centre (HWC) as part of Student Services is here to offer 3 main services to support you throughout your time at the Polytechnic. Regular exercise and activity helps you stay healthy, improves flexibility, increases your fitness, manages your weight, relieves stress and muscle tension and improves your sleep.

  • The Fitness Centre

Has a fully equipped gym and fitness instructors that can help you design a program to suit your needs. Opening hours are from 7am – 5:45pm, Sunday to Thursday. We are closed public holidays and weekends.

A private exercise room for fitness classes such as Yoga, Pilates and Tai Chi. This semester we will also be offering weekly circuit and boot camp classes. Timetables for these classes are emailed out weekly to members.

And for all those ladies that are interested in working out we plan to set up exercise equipment in a larger, more comfortable room just for ladies.

  • The Sports Centre

Our sports coach develops sports teams for tournaments and leagues with other universities and we also hold sports events in the Centre’s large hall.

This semester we will be holding a basketball and football tournament between the faculties. So if you are interested to enter a team, come and see Ashraf Jaber, office 1601 as soon as possible. These tournaments will occur mid October and early November. We will let you know dates and times once confirmed.

We also plan to start sports classes for anyone who would like to learn skills to play sports such as basketball, football or volleyball. If you are interested please come and talk with one of the staff in the Health and Wellness Centre.

  • The Medical Clinic

The clinic provides a free and confidential service, so come and see Karen Quinn, office 1610 if you’re not feeling well or you need health advice.

For emergency situations on campus such as sudden collapse, difficulty breathing, severe pain or severe bleeding call Karen on 39047149.

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