Bahrain Polytechnic Alumni Club (BPAC) organized the first annual forum on 6th February 2019 at its campus in Isa Town, in the presence of Dr. Jeff Zabudsky, Chief Executive Officer of Bahrain Polytechnic; Ms. Catherine Walker, Director of Student Services; and Mr. Ahmed Alhujairi, Chairman of Thinksmart Group, where two hundred fifty alumni members attended the event.
BPAC was established with the objective of strengthening relationships and communication channels between the alumni and Bahrain Polytechnic.
The Vice President of the Alumni Club, Mohammad Darwish, welcomed the attendees and members of the Alumni Club, and he stated: “It is a personal honor to welcome these dedicated, talented and committed graduates from businesses to publishers and authors. There is no limit to what Bahrain Polytechnic graduates can do.”
The Bahrain Polytechnic Alumni Club has collaborated with Ultra Virtual Reality sponsors and Thinksmart Training and Development Group to bring Standup Comedy and the latest virtual reality technologies, which added more joy and fun to the atmosphere.
The Vice President of the Alumni Club Mohammed Darwish, on behalf of the President and Members of the Club, thanked Bahrain Polytechnic’s Management, Student Services and the Marketing and Communication departments for all the help and support to organize the event. He also extended his thanks appreciation to Ultra Virtual Reality and Thinksmart Group for Training and Development for sponsoring the event activities which made it a fun and joyful evening.