Bahrain Polytechnic’s executive management awarded the Certificate in Tertiary Teaching and Learning (CTTL) to 143 graduates at Bahrain Polytechnic on 5th March 2017.
CTTL is an introductory programme for people teaching adults in a tertiary education context, and was modeled on the New Zealand Certificate in Adult Teaching (CAT) from Christchurch Polytechnic and Institute of Technology (CPIT). Run through the Faculty of Humanities, the programme models international standards of good teaching practice and in particular provides an introduction to the Polytechnic’s unique model of Problem Based Learning by looking at the three key areas of the Adult Learner, Classroom Practice, and the Use of Technology in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
The Certificate in Tertiary Teaching and Learning is recognized by the Bahrain’s QQA as a Level 6 award and is a critical pedagogical strategy for the Polytechnic and a unique and visionary programme in Bahrain and regionally. It has been recognized for its contribution to teaching excellence by numerous international experts and Bahrain Polytechnic is currently seeking the UK’s Higher Education Academy accreditation.