Bahrain Polytechnic’s Student Services Directorate, in collaboration with King Hamad University Hospital (KHUH), hosted its annual blood donation campaign on 17th May 2017 from 9 AM to 1 PM at the campus.
The campaign brought together a large number of students and employees who volunteered to donate their blood, believing in the importance of contributing and participating in all activities aimed at community service, helping the needy, and treatment of patients.
Bahrain Polytechnic’s CEO, Dr. Jeff Zabudsky, stated: “The Polytechnic is keen to organize this campaign on an annual basis, as well as participating in all activities and events that will serve the Bahraini community.
“I would like to extend my thanks and appreciation to the Student Services Directorate for hosting this campaign. I would also like to thank King Hamad University Hospital for their support in this event, which will undoubtedly benefit everyone in the Kingdom of Bahrain.” he concluded.
A new blood transfusion unit was brought by KHUH for the event. The campaign also helped inform blood donors of the importance of blood donation, its process, as well as removing any misconceptions related to it. Weight and height measurements were also taken to ensure a safe blood donation.