Bahrain Polytechnic’s Manager: Enrolments, Progression & Results, Ms. Huda Alhalwachi, announced that course registration for the first semester of 2016-17 will begin on 23rd August 2016 until 8th September 2016.
Students will be given a training session on how to register for their courses online using the Self Service Banner (SSB) at the appointed time.
Ms. Alhalwachi stressed that students must check their emails constantly, and register themselves for courses online using SSB, on the dates and times in the table as stated in the Online Registration Instructions. She also added that students should be aware of the changes in the enrolment terminology and codes, in order to fit with the requirements of the National Qualifications Framework.
She stated that degree students can use the labs 5.18 and 5.19 to register online during the registration period, and can refer to a video available on the Polytechnic website should they need assistance. If a student requests to add a seat in a full capacity class, they must print and complete the Add & Drop form and submit to the Student Information Centre.
Ms. Alhalwachi directed all students expecting to graduate at the end of Semester 1, Academic Year 2016-2017 to see their Programme Manager or Academic Advisor and check the courses they require to graduate.
The Add/Drop period ends at 8th September 2016, where students can complete it through the Polytechnic website.
The first semester of the academic year 2016-17 will begin on Sunday, 4th September 2016.