Bahrain Polytechnic has proceeded to remove all “Conocarpus” trees from the campus, after studies showed that it damages the drainage system and storm water network, which affected the movement of student’s around the campus last year.
Hussain Alhamar, Building & Maintenance Manager, stated that the alternative to the “Conocarpus” tree with environmental-friendly fruit trees such as mango and palm trees, where students can take advantage of edible fruit and shaded areas during the summer.
Mr. Alhamar added that the “Conocarpus” tree are resistant to high temperatures and humidity, and agricultural experts warned that planting this tree would affect gardens due to the expansion of its roots which has an impact on other trees, fences, drainage systems, water pipes, and electricity.
Mr. Alhamar stressed that the executive management of the Polytechnic prioritized agriculture as a sector of great importance, and are working hard in educating staff and students about its importance. The Polytechnic are keen on getting involved in events related to upgrading the agricultural sector of the Kingdom, such as the Bahrain International Garden Show, and supporting the National Initiative for Agricultural Development.