Dr. Layla Faisal Al halwachi
Academic Qualifications Obtained
2016 | PhD, Brunel University London,(Area of research: Business strategy and Leadership-Managing diversity through Encouraging Women’s representation in upper management: new insights from the Bahraini Financial Sectors), United Kingdom. |
2007 | Masters in Business Administration (MBA), Ahlia University- Brunel University London, Bahrain, United Kingdom. |
2005 | BA in English Literature – American Studies, University of Bahrain, United States. |
2001 | Associate Diploma in Business Management, University of Bahrain, Bahrain. |
Teaching Expertise
2017-present | Tutor in Business administration, Bahrain Polytechnic. |
Relevant Industry Expertise
2014-2017 | The supreme council for women and currently Senior International Cooperation Specialist). |
2011-2014 | The supreme council for women and currently Senior International Cooperation Specialist). |
2008-2011 | The supreme council for women, as Studies and Research Specialist) in the Strategic Department. |
2007-2008 | The supreme council for women, as Planning and Implementation Specialist) in the Strategic Department. |
2006-2007 | The Embassy of Japan as an economic analyst and translator. |
2005 | YPO (Bahrain Chapter). |
2005 | Al Bayan school as a part time English teacher. |
2001 | Internship atThe National Bank of Bahrain (NBB). |
1994 | Internship at Bahrain Kuwait Insurance Company (BKIC). |
Areas of Research Interest
Dr. Layla’s keen interest in research in the area of Management and Gender has already enriched the Business School with her presenting research in the area earlier in October at the Business & Logistics School Talks series that is hosted by the Business School once a month. The talk was titled ‘Beyond the glass ceiling: Barriers for Women to Positions of Power in the Bahraini Banking Industry.’ This study explores how Bahraini women managers conceptualize the effect of the glass ceiling in their career advancement to reach senior managerial levels. It assesses how they perceive the glass ceiling, and what coping mechanisms they use in eliminating barriers and empowering women to reach senior executive positions in the finance sector here in Bahrain.
- Alhalwachi,L. Costandi,S, (2014) An Exploratory Study into Quotas as a Concept of Empowerment: Encouraging Female Leadership in Corporate Boardrooms, Higher Education in the Twenty -First Century II- Al-Hawaj & Twizell (Eds).© 2016 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN: 978-1-138-02925-5
https://books.google.com.bh/books?id=vCPSCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA129&lpg=PA129&dq=Dr+layla+alhalwachi&source=bl&ots=obXFxIeXQv&sig=J9HHpqbpjpU9K0tEXOXhKGhcbx4&hl=ar&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwihu7aS7PXPAhWD_iwKHRMjAUsQ6AEIWzAO#v=onepage&q=Dr%20layla%20alhalwachi&f=false - Alhalwachi L. F. and Costandi S. (2016), Quotas and Empowerment: Enhancing Female leadership in corporate boardroom , Al-Hawaj, A.Y. and Twizell, E. H., Higher Education in the Twenty First Century II, CRC Press, UK, page 15-30.
- Alhalwachi,L, (2016) An examination of gender diversity and leadership within senior management positions : new insights from the Bahraini financial sectors, Full text unavailable from EThOS, Brunel University London.
http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.699305 - Alhalwachi L. F.(2018),Conceptualising Empowerment, Gender and Quota: The
Implications of women’s Leadership Styles at Managerial Positions, International Journal of Advances in Management and Economics (IJAME). http://www.managementjournal.info/index.php/IJAME/issue/view/56 - Alhalwachi L. F., Alqubaiti.E, Hassan.N, Ahmed.Fatema. Challenges Facing Women Entrepreneurs In The Kingdom Of Bahrain, International Journal of Advances in Management, Economics and Entrepreneurship.
http://www.ijamee.info/index.php/IJAMEE/issue/view/63 - Alhalwachi L. F., Sabt.H, Almajed.H, Women Manager in Bahrain: positive steps towards gender equality and Successful Careers , International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications (IJARP).
http://www.ijarp.org/published-research-papers/aug2018/Women-Manager-In-Bahrain-Positive-Steps-Towards-Gender-Equality-And-Successful-Careers.pdf - Alhalwachi L. F., Alansara. S, Alhalwachi.R, Factors Affecting Women Maintain Their Weight and Relapse in Obesity, International Journal of of Ayurveda.
http://ija.kibanresearchpublications.com/index.php/IJA/issue/view/20 - Al-Halwachi, L. F. (2018). Female Leadership Style: Evolving Paradox. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 8(6), 773–794. http://hrmars.com/index.php/journals/archive_detail/IJARBSS/211
- Alhalwachi,L. (2012) An Exploratory Study into Quotas as a Concept of Empowerment: Encouraging Female Leadership, in Corporate Boardrooms at British Academy of Management, Doctor symposium, Cardiff University , United Kingdom.
- Alhalwachi,L. (2013) The Influence of Quotas for Women in the Corporate Boardroom on Firm Performance, presented at Ahlia University, PhD Doctoral Symposium. Manama, Bahrain.
- Alhalwachi,L, Mordi,C, Costandi,S, (2015) Barriers to Female Senior Management Positions in the Finance Sector: A Critical Reflection on the Glass Ceiling Concept, presented at Ahlia University, PhD Doctoral Symposium. Manama, Bahrain.
- Alhalwachi,L, Mordi,C, Eldabi, T, (2016) Beyond the glass ceiling: Barriers for Women to Positions of Power in the Bahraini banking industry, presented at Ahlia University, PhD Doctoral Symposium. Manama, Bahrain.
- Alhalwachi,L, (2018) The PhD challenges: Journey through success, Brunel University, Gulf Hotel, Bahrain.