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Bahrain Polytechnic In the media

Newspapers and online material regarding Bahrain Polytechnic are located within this page. Browse through our history by choosing the year and month.

1. Events Management Major to be Introduced

  • Issue N/A
    (681 kb)

  • Issue 3120
    (176 kb)
2. Innovtech

  • Issue 13242
    (358 kb)
3. Bahrain Polytechnic To Host 1st Bahraini Game Jam

  • Issue N/A
    (273 kb)

  • Issue N/A
    (119 kb)
4. Logistics Students Earn CILT Awards

  • Issue 13240
    (277 kb)

  • Issue N/A
    (262 kb)
5. The last day of the Applying period for BP

  • Issue 9199
    (479 kb)
6. Web Media Students Awarded for Movie

  • Issue N/A
    (750 kb)

  • Issue N/A
    (774 kb)
7. Spectrum Depicting Messages through graphic design

  • Issue N/A
    (213 kb)
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