Three Bahrain Polytechnic students majoring in Marketing hosted a classical movie night at Riyadat in A’ali on 8th May 2015 as part of their final semester industry project.
The students were tasked to engage with a client in Bahrain to help solve a ‘real problem’ in a period of 16 weeks. At the same time, the students would need to report back to their academic supervisors on a weekly basis to discuss the progress and eventually present the result to the client under the form of a report and a formal presentation.
That’s where students Fatema Alnajran, Jenan Mohamed, and Shaima Hasan were assigned to assist Riyadat in organizing an event in order to promote the mall. They will be graded upon how effective their marketing solutions are and how ready they are for the workplace.
After coming up with various ideas, the marketing students settled on hosting a classical movie night to attract new shoppers and visitors to the mall on a Friday evening.
“The event message was “Old is Gold”” said Fatema Alnajran. “We aimed to create a new and different experience in one weekend where people can enjoy watching old movies from the 90’s.
“The team has decided, as a way of creating incentive and excitement, to make the indoor cinema as a free entry, as well as free popcorn and coke.” she continued.
Naturally, each student had a role whilst creating this event, ranging from contacting sponsorships, creating multimedia content, and handling the social media accounts.
Jenan Mohamed said: “I was the project manager in this event. My role was specifically in communicating with sponsors by approaching and giving them a presentation during the meeting, as well as controlling the project in terms of legality, and creating videos for the event day.”
Before the event, in an attempt to generate buzz, the audience had the opportunity to choose the movies they wanted to watch by voting on social media, where Disney Classic’s “The Lion King” and “Matilda” were selected.
The movie, which started in the evening, was run very professionally and resulted in a very positive atmosphere in the mall. The students included an evaluation component in the project, where they measured the success of the event, reported on lessons learned, and fine-tuned the step by step plan to develop and run future events at the Riyadat .
Asked if the Polytechnic helped them flourish during the making of the event, Fatema said: “The team has implemented all of the theoretical learning from the 4 years at the Polytechnic into practical learning.
“We also applied marketing theories and strategies and faced real life problems, which we were able to solve by the logic and employability skills that Bahrain polytechnic has developed in every student.” concluded Fatema.
Commenting on the Riyadat Polytechnic partnership, Patrick Rennell, the Head of the Business School, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for our students to showcase their talents and to prove to employers and industry that they are work-ready.
“We have over 130 students working on similar projects throughout industries in Bahrain this semester, with more plans for next semester. Partnering with a reputable organization such as the Riyadat has proved to be really successful and we look forward to placing many more of our students there.”
Acting CEO of Bahrain Polytechnic, Dr. Mohamed Al Aseeri, stated: “The students will definitely benefit from the practical learning, since at the end of the day, that’s how they will do their work. We want to continue this style of education, as we strive to meet Bahrain’s 2030 Vision and the government action plan 2015-2018.”
At the end of June, the students will present back their completed project to the Riyadat which includes a marketing communication strategy to increase customer engagement with the mall. Students are then graded individually based on their employability skills and their ability to deliver effective marketing solutions to the school throughout the semester.
The students thanked Bahrain Polytechnic for supporting the event, and additionally thanked sponsors of the event: Bahrain Development Bank, Coca-cola & Arwa Water, Adhari Park, Sia Jewelry, Print House and Zaher AlMajed.