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Academic Staff Profiles

The academic staff are involved in the teaching, assessment, development and administration of a wide range of courses within the academic programmes of Bahrain Polytechnic which fall under:

  •  The Faculty of Business and Logistics (FoBL)
  • The Faculty of Engineering, Design and Information & Communications Technology (EDICT)
  • The School of Foundation

Profiles for the academic staff members can be found below and contain information pertaining to current teaching, research and publications, and academic and professional experience.

Dr. Fatima Ahmad Wali

Dr. Fatima Ahmad Wali

Associate Professor- Applied Linguistics

Dr. Mohamed AlJerjawi

Dr. Mohamed AlJerjawi

Assistant Professor/Program Manager

Dr. Nesrine Gaaliche

Dr. Nesrine Gaaliche

Assistant Professor

Dr. Nikolaos Gazepidis

Dr. Nikolaos Gazepidis

Assistant Professor

Dr. Omar Bani Fayyad

Dr. Omar Bani Fayyad

Program Manager - Cyber Security

Dr. Philippe Pringuet

Dr. Philippe Pringuet

Dean of Applied Research and Innovation

Dr. Saam Najat

Dr. Saam Najat

Assistant Professor

Dr. Shabbir Ahmed

Dr. Shabbir Ahmed

Assistant Professor

Dr. Shahnawaz Khan

Dr. Shahnawaz Khan

Assistant Professor / Head of Applied Research

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